Exercises to get a flat stomach
Exercises to get a flat stomach

exercises to get a flat stomach exercises to get a flat stomach

He goes on to say that "belly fat can be stubborn to lose because the abdominal area contains more alpha-2 receptors that slow down your ability to burn fat, compared to beta-2 receptors that increase your fat burning potential." IF is powerful because lower insulin levels "activate your b-2 receptors and shut down your a-2 receptors, allowing you to burn targeted fat in your belly area. While it might seem overly simple at first glance, making it a habit can have a powerful strengthening effect on your core, and even improve your posture. He says this increases your metabolic rate ("by up to 14 percent in some people"), and when this happens, your body has no other choice but to start burning your body's stored fat for energy. Work your core and get a flatter belly with these eight easy exercises 1. Abdominal Bracing Bracing your abdominals is a simple way to strengthen your core anywhere, at any time. Daryl Gioffre, a celebrity nutritionist and longevity expert who specializes in the alkaline diet, adds that when you fast for 16 hours, "your blood sugar and insulin levels lower," and the human growth hormone increases. When your body doesn't have a constant energy source from the food you eat, it allows your body to utilize the fat stores it already has, helping you lose belly fat.ĭr. Intermittent fasting involves not eating for part of each day or a few times a week.

Exercises to get a flat stomach